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If you have found your way here you will know that
motherhood is not easy! And that the love and the joy
our children bring to us are only part of the story.
Once we enter the sacred
portal of motherhood most of us find parts of our new 
lives as mothers really, really hard.  


And why is that?! 
It's hard because as mothers we change overnight in
all ways, and we keep changing.
It's hard because we have very little support,
understanding, or time to be with the intense inner
and outer transformations we navigate.

Image by Joshua Newton


It is a total mind, body and spirit metamorphosis- but the world is more interested in our babies, and how we- their mother apparently get it 'right' or 'wrong' as we care for them...  But this cultural mindset often means that the mother, and her journey become INVISIBLE.

Her story is seen as insignificant and so it is lost. 

We find ourselves lonely but never alone,
in an unchartered territory.
We wonder- who are we now? How are we going to keep
it all together? And why did nobody tell us just how
intense motherhood can be. 

You are in the right place dear mama. You are not 
invisible,  and if fact this time (this messy, profound, chaotic time) is a most precious and  powerful moment of your evolution.

If you can relate to the words above then there is a reason for what you are feeling
and that reason is:


 The powerful, transformational stage of life we enter as we become mothers.

A process of re-birth, metamorphosis and awakening.

And once we enter this stage we never leave it- we keep evolving, we keep growing and maturing and changing-  just as much as our children do!

(With great respect and love to Dana Rafael for creating this term )


My name is Sacha :) 
I am a mama of two children, a yogini, and a maternal wellbeing facilitator.
In my work you will find spaces to serve and nourish
mamas making their way through the unique rite of
passage of matresence. This work is for incredible,
loving, hard-working, imperfect, beautiful mamas
-just like you. 

This moment dear mama- is a time of sacredness,
maturity, richness, bliss, depth, embodiment,
unconditional love, empowerment,  re-birth,
authenticity and Mā-stery. 

... And when we do this work together as a circle of mothers-   the results are magical. 

Motherhood is not easy & It's time to take care
of the woman at the centre of it all- who is holding so 
Receive your FREE Mama Wellbeing Toolkit here:

Or dive in to one of the circles, sessions or retreats you 
will find on this very website :) 


All the offerings you find here have been specifically created to support mamas like you through the mind, body, spirit transformation of motherhood & matrescense...

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Studying at Home
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Image by Sean Oulashin





A Transformational 60 min workshop to bring you essential insights, juicy self care practices and heart connection with other mamas. 

This free live workshop is a fantastic place to start if you are new here :)  

Redefine what motherhood means to you.

Reconnect to your values and needs. 

Reconnect to the magic hidden in the mundane. 


Through bespoke meditation, yoga and coaching- you can totally change the game and access your bliss every single day.

Learn More...

 A powerful, intimate, joyful  and life changing, self care journey.  

In exclusive live circles and a special program of at-home resources you can rebirth yourself as a mother. 

Feel nourished and connect deeply to your own journey of transformation  through motherhood.  Experience the joy and wisdom of a supportive circle of sisters.

Learn More...

Imagine a family vacation where you actually get to rest! 

 Take time just for you, feel deeply supported, connect deeply with other mamas ...and change your life on a mama retreat. 

We glide through the Mother's Path together, and fill our mornings with self care and life changing insights just for mamas. 

...All this on the stunning Greek Island of Corfu.

Learn More...


If you feel overwhelmed, confused, or lost, and you are ready to change things- you are in the right place. 

If you feel so tired you don't even know who you are any more, you are in the right place. If you have soo many things you need to do but no time or clarity on where to even begin -then you are in the right place

Maternal wellbeing is so often the last thing on the list and yet it is so important. As mamas we give and we give until the well runs dry (and then we give some more!) The circles, sessions, retreats and resources you will find here are all different gateways to creating a new version of motherhood for you. You will have the space, time and care you need to find the answers that were there all along, and to take stock of the feelings and the transformations that you are undergoing.

From a foundation of relaxation, reflection, embodiment and practical, realistic, self care, you can press pause for a moment and re-design motherhood. You have the power to make the shifts to fully enjoy this time and harvest all it's many gifts, to reap the incredible transformative power hidden amongst the challenges. 

Motherhood is a lost rite of passage, but with your awareness you can honour this immense change and reclaim this time of great strength, transformation and empowerment. 

As your guide, friend and fellow mother on the path it is my greatest pleasure to hold space for you at this precious time in your life. To help unravel those confusing challenges that go round and round, to provide powerful tools to support your wellbeing from the inside out, and give you opportunities to find your own answers to the big questions and the small questions. Supporting you to be the woman and the mother you were born to be.  


Receive your FREE Mama Wellbeing Toolkit here:

And dive in to one of the circles, sessions or retreats you  will find on this very site. 



©2024 by Sacha Jane

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